Be Aligned with High Vibration

I have listened and read many stories about Buddha and his life in my childhood. One of them was about a time when his brother Debadutta wanted Buddha to be killed by a mad/drunken elephant. So the drunken elephant was let loose and it came charging towards Buddha ferociously. But Buddha stood his ground calmly. The elephant came rushing, however as he came near Buddha he suddenly became calm and relaxed and went down on his knees bowing down to Buddha. Buddha just touched his forehead and blessed the animal.
Another time he was given a hut for night halt where there was a poisonous snake inside. But Buddha went and stayed there. He addressed the snake as his friend and requested him to go out into the jungle as the place was not safe for him. He told the snake that humans are afraid of him and hence they will kill him. The snake bowed to Buddha and went out of the hut to the jungle.
I was fascinated by these stories and the power of Buddha to control the mind of others. Well, that is what I thought at that time. And I was curious to know how he wielded such power. And I picked up over the time that his power came from his immense Tapasaya or meditation. I became interested in learning meditation. May be secretly I also wanted to wield the power to get people obey me.

 Much later in my adulthood I got chance to learn Vipassana meditation, the form of meditation Buddha was practicing and teaching in his time. When I did my first course and saw the transformation in my own mental pattern and physical habit, I understood how it raises our own vibration and allows us to let go of our low vibratory thoughts and feelings. 

Over the time I have come to understand the essence of those stories about Buddha. To me what people were witnessing in Buddha’s presence was not what Buddha was doing. What people were seeing was what Buddha was being or rather what Buddha was. Any Buddha would vibrate at the expression of his highest self; his creator self and that cannot be anything else but unconditional love which is aligned with entire existence and non existence. So any being that would come into his personal zone would automatically vibrate with that energy. So when the mad elephant came into Buddha’s energy circle or aura he automatically was aligned with its own highest self and so vibrated with love and gratitude for that experience of high vibration resulted from Buddha’s energy. 

That is why spiritual masters speak of Satsang. And the success gurus would speak of Mastermind group. When we remain in the company of high vibration people, our vibration also gets aligned to theirs and over the time we adjust and vibrate in that high vibration. And what we become inside, the world mirrors that back to us. The energy we emit, that is what people around us return. So love begets love and success begets more of it.


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