
Showing posts from December, 2013

Simply Being with the flow..

A week back while cleaning my bookself I opened an old 'intention book' of mine. I had not looked into it for some years now and almost forgotten what was in it. Flipping through I found many of my intentions have come true over the time! :) Some intentions I found showed some of the confusions I had faced then. Some intentions looked irrelevant now. If I look back,  this intention book was a resultant action after I first read the book The Secret and learnt about the Vision Board of John Assaraf . I had read about how to his surprise he found that he owned and was living in the house which he had put to his vision board some time back. After that I had read many more write ups and books on the subject and out of curiosity had devised my own version of putting intentions on record - An Intention Book. One of the intention in my book was to design my house by a famous Interior Designer.  At that point of time that was something way out of my reach and an ultimate luxury.