
Showing posts from 2009

The moon smily

This is the smily in the sky which greeted us when I and Purba were appreciating the full moon.

Gifts of Love : Amazing! The Moon smiled at us!

Today is my Birth Day. So its special for me. Added to that today is Rakhi Purnima. That makes the day even more special. Usually I would have spent the day with my husband and it would have been a usaul quiet celebration. But nature wanted me to have a better party. I am here in Orchha and in this palace replica Bundelkhand Riverside making me feel like a king's guest. Its a beautiful ambience, good food and a lovely weather. And then from the morning I got calls from my family members, loved ones, friends and colleagues remembering me and wishing me. And I have received lovely cards from my loved ones. Nature's gifts manifested even with greater energy as the day proceeded. I was greeted by my colleagues and volunteers present here. In the afternoon came the big surpsrise - a big bouquet was presented to me, a big cake was brought for me to cut and in a palacial hall called Machhli Dalan I did cut it to a chorus of Happy Birth Day to You. And then whoosh... Mousumi sho

Trust the greater design

Thank you for being here. If you were not reading it, I would not have got the inspiration to write this piece. And if I would not have got the inspiration to write this I would not have looked at the amazingly brighter side of life. Yes, when I went for my last 10 days Vipassana course, I had gone with an anticipation of sitting for the meditation. Last year I had sat for my first long course – 20 days Vipassana course. And I intended to go for my first 30 days Vipassana course in November 2009. To be eligible for that I was required to sit for this 10 days course. I was happy and excited till the evening – I mean one hour before the commencement of the course. And then I was called in to the office of the center. I was requested by the management to provide service for the course instead of sitting. They were short of service providers and I had the experience of service. I was in a dilemma. I would not get another 10 days of leave before November to take a 10 days course bef

Who am I?

I came back today from a 10 days service at Vipassana course. I had gone there to sit for the course, but because the situation demanded provided service instead. It was an amazingly empowering experience. Many a times things just go out of the planned course. Many a times it is beyond me to understand the course Universe decides for me and the two compelling questions come back - 'Who am I?' and 'Why am I here?'. But then the inner wisdom whispers - Everything has a purpose, you included. So love it and things will work out. This exprience was one of those enlightening experience. Do you also face these two questions at times? Don't look outside for answers, look within - meditate. It will give you the answer. I will come back on this. Feeling sleepy now. Good night.

Love Dividend

Hi Dear! Have you followed the Love magic method? If you have then you must have known by now that Love is a feeling which fills up your mood with a happy feeling and the warmth of that happiness lingers long, wherever you go, whenever you go, who ever you meet or what ever you do. When somebody says 'I love You' to you, she or he is giving that happy feeling to you and if you are not ready to accept it, then the happy feeling will just rebound away from you. So when you love your self day in and day out, you actually are creating in you the space for accepting more and more love and the space is bound to be filled with Love only. Now that you are filled up with this warm feeling of Love, be ready to get some more. Look at the first person you in the morning with a little more attention. Smile and wish her/him a happy day ahead. If that is not possible just wish for her/ his happiness to the Universe and thank it for the opportunity it has given you for that wish. Do it for

Love Magic

Again the question has come back to me. Contemplative OK, but how come I describe myself as a Conjurer of Love? Conjurer of Love means ‘Love Magician’. What a Magician does? Out of nothing s/he manifests things for your sight and senses, mesmerises you and delights you. Being a Love Magician I do the same. Out of unmanifested Universe I gather love and try to distribute around, try to distribute positive spirit of love around and try to distribute happiness of love around. Believe me. This is a Happy Universe and abundance of love is there to be tapped. Oh, no, I am not speaking about only ‘physical love’ or ‘romantic love’. These are only sub sets. Love is a much larger phenomenon. Love is life. And Life is Love. You don’t feel love in your life? Here is a small tip. Get up in the morning, open your eyes, smile to yourself still lying in the bed and say ‘I Love you’. The moment for the first time in the day you face your mirror – pause, look into your own eyes, smile and say ‘I Love

Just because it is an-other country..

Just because it is 'Pakistan' an-other country, it’s so easy to speak of war or debate on war – or for that matter think and worry about war. The overriding emotion is -Punish the offender, teach a lesson for the hurt generated, give back as much hurt if not more and so on. It’s always easy to talk about ‘other’ than the ‘self’; irrespective of the situation involving individual issues or collective issues. If my watch falls from somebody else’s hand and gets broken, then I become livid and may even slap that person for being careless. If it falls from my child’s hand, my reaction is less hurtful, but I may still vent my anger and shout at the child. But if the same watch is dropped from my own hand, I do not slap or shout ‘me’. I accept ‘my fault’, try to forget the incidence by searching for an alternative and resolve to be more careful. When it is ‘Pakistan’, we are so unified on our offensive. It should be war, teach them lesson. Whom actually war will hurt? The peo