
Showing posts from August, 2009

Gifts of Love : Amazing! The Moon smiled at us!

Today is my Birth Day. So its special for me. Added to that today is Rakhi Purnima. That makes the day even more special. Usually I would have spent the day with my husband and it would have been a usaul quiet celebration. But nature wanted me to have a better party. I am here in Orchha and in this palace replica Bundelkhand Riverside making me feel like a king's guest. Its a beautiful ambience, good food and a lovely weather. And then from the morning I got calls from my family members, loved ones, friends and colleagues remembering me and wishing me. And I have received lovely cards from my loved ones. Nature's gifts manifested even with greater energy as the day proceeded. I was greeted by my colleagues and volunteers present here. In the afternoon came the big surpsrise - a big bouquet was presented to me, a big cake was brought for me to cut and in a palacial hall called Machhli Dalan I did cut it to a chorus of Happy Birth Day to You. And then whoosh... Mousumi sho

Trust the greater design

Thank you for being here. If you were not reading it, I would not have got the inspiration to write this piece. And if I would not have got the inspiration to write this I would not have looked at the amazingly brighter side of life. Yes, when I went for my last 10 days Vipassana course, I had gone with an anticipation of sitting for the meditation. Last year I had sat for my first long course – 20 days Vipassana course. And I intended to go for my first 30 days Vipassana course in November 2009. To be eligible for that I was required to sit for this 10 days course. I was happy and excited till the evening – I mean one hour before the commencement of the course. And then I was called in to the office of the center. I was requested by the management to provide service for the course instead of sitting. They were short of service providers and I had the experience of service. I was in a dilemma. I would not get another 10 days of leave before November to take a 10 days course bef