
Showing posts from September, 2012

Simple things of joy in life..

I was feeling down and low. Recovering from a viral fever. As it happens with me often, something in me inspired to pull out my copy of Deepak Chopra 's book ' Ageless Body Timeless Mind ' and flip through randomly. It was about being with nature. Deepak talked about the value of being with nature, even if for a short while in the day. He talked about if got opportunity to lie down on grass stretching out the body and soak up some sun.  My body was aching severely, head was reeling and my mood was in depression. But a thought raced through my head like a lightning. I have developed and nurturing the small lawn in front of my house for last two years, but have never ever thought of lying down on the grass! Leave alone lying on it, I have not even sat on the bare grass on my lawn! I have this lovely little patch of green and the thought had never come! I tried to remember when was the last when I had stretched myself on green grass anywhere and it was years back! I gave