Gifts of Love : Amazing! The Moon smiled at us!

Today is my Birth Day. So its special for me. Added to that today is Rakhi Purnima. That makes the day even more special. Usually I would have spent the day with my husband and it would have been a usaul quiet celebration. But nature wanted me to have a better party. I am here in Orchha and in this palace replica Bundelkhand Riverside making me feel like a king's guest. Its a beautiful ambience, good food and a lovely weather. And then from the morning I got calls from my family members, loved ones, friends and colleagues remembering me and wishing me. And I have received lovely cards from my loved ones.

Nature's gifts manifested even with greater energy as the day proceeded. I was greeted by my colleagues and volunteers present here. In the afternoon came the big surpsrise - a big bouquet was presented to me, a big cake was brought for me to cut and in a palacial hall called Machhli Dalan I did cut it to a chorus of Happy Birth Day to You. And then whoosh... Mousumi shoved and splashed the cake piece to my face smearing the cream all over my face!!! - a VSO India tradition of celebrating the B' Day.

After the day's proceedings came to an end I & Purba headed back of the resort to meet Betwa - the beautiful river. We found a smooth stone to sit and dip our feet into the river water. Gradually we got into a discussion on mind and body connection - a topic where we both find a connectedness and get on well. Without remembering the day I was just saying that how beautiful it would be to be here on a full moon day. We looked up and a big round moon up there was looking at us. Purba exclaimed it seems like a full moon and suddenly we both realised that it is a Full Moon Day - Rakhi Purnima. We were thrilled at our silly forgetfulness coz it gave us the thrill of sudden fulfillment of wish - to be there on a full moon day.

It was almost quarter to eight in the evening. Before telling abye to the river and moon we wanted to capture the beauty of the moon. And Purba clicked a picture of the Moon. And we saw the photograph!

Amazing!!!! I could not believe my eyes!! I pointed out to Purba and she also saw it now!! There was big white smily near the bright moon!! Yeeesssss!!!!!!!!!!! a well defined white smily in the sky!!!

Amazing gift of love from the Universe! The Moon smiled at Us!!!

You do not believe me! Wait till we download that to a computer and I promise will upload it for you.

The Moon smiled at Us!! on my Birth day!!

Oh I had lot more positive things in the evening - a lot of great discussion and fun at the pool side and then in the room I read all the cards sitting in my inbox.

Thanks for being here and reading it. I will come back with the photograph with the Moon smily in the sky. Till then Good Night.


Shail said…
Hi Vijaya,

Sounds you had a great time at Bundelkhand. I felt like I was there witnessing the events. You should write stories sometimes :).


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