If you had only a day to live?

Today I saw the film  '3 Idiots' again and enjoyd as thoroughly as I had during the first view. There are many angles to the movie and I have read those in the many critiques I have read. But for me it is about living life to the fullest - with #passion.

Some time back my Coach asked me a powerful question - "If you had a day to live then how will you live that day?"

A powerful reminder that the length of life is finite and life is to live. By this I am not saying that we have to be morbid, but just think are you enjoying your life?

Does going to the office in the Monday morning fills you up with energy? Do you look forward to hit your office table and get going for the week?

Are you spending time with the people you love? Do you remember which is the next festival in the calender and how you are going to celebrate this and with whom?

Have you read those books which you wanted to read for quite some time? Have you seen that movie which you had planned but missed out because of the last minute deadline? Have you gone for a relaxed weekend with your family or friends?

Have you painted the picture you had felt inspired to paint some time back? Have you talked to your spouse for a relaxed half an hour in the last week?

Let me share share with you a part of my life in this regard. I had been a passionate social development professional for 12 years. I was passionate about my job, the causes for which I was working, the people with whom I was working. I loved every bit of those extended hours of job, in fact at times the office time was 20 hours a day. I was away from my husband during our anniversaries, I have not attended so many happy occasions in the family, I have missed out many personal celebrations and milestones and there were no regrets. 

But over the time gradually I realised, some thing in me was not quite ok. I was not feeling that energy, the motivation was waning. I was more happy towards the weekend and not looking forward to a Monday. I liked the work, but was not spirited, not loving it any more. 'Have to' s creeped into in place of 'looking forward to'. Work looked like an obligation and not fun.

It was a realisation which filled me with fear and dilemma. But to cut a long story short I finally let it go and let the life flow. I left my job to embark on a new journey. It was difficult choice to let go of an image, a routine, a comfort, a security, a familiarity, approval of most and embrace a new unknown path. But I also think that it is important to be true to one self and live the life which fills one with energy and joy.  At the end I can not be a better professional than a person I am and I can not give to anybody more than what I have.

Letting the life flow, I am more authentic to my self, more honest to self and others and making room for new things to come to my life.

It is an empowering question. I wanted to share with you and ask you - "If you had only a day to live how will you live and who will you live with?"

Food for thought? Share with others if you liked it.


EP Admin said…
Thoughtful article
But the one thing, we really are fatalistic?
Vijaya Mishra said…
I do not quite understand Shafiqur. Would you like to explain a little more and help me understand your point?
Mousumi Dhar said…
so well said and so true isn't it
i liked your "At the end I can not be a better professional than a person I am and I can not give to anybody more than what I have."

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