The Joy of Greeting Cards

Remember the days some 10 years back, when a festival or a special day was around the corner! Especially if it is New Year, Christmas or Birth Day. Did you look forward to the postman or the courier delivery boy? I used to wait for them with excitement, with happy expectation of receiving a colourful greeting card! Lovely colours and becautiful messages! The more I used to get, the more was the happiness. And then they used get a proud display in the front room of the house for quite sometime.

I also used to enjoy my leisure time in making cards with colours, cloths, bids, leafs, petals, threads and so on. Going to the shops to purchase a card used to be a relaxed enjoyment.

With the passing years and arrival of emails and ecards, the mode sending a wish has changed. They are equally colourful and much faster in delivery. But I still cherish the paper greeting cards - coz I can hold and touch them, can delightfully display them if I like and can show to everybody.

And I still enjoy going to a card shop and spend some leisurely time going through the cards to select one for sending to some near and dear, but the occasions and times I am doing that is not frequent.

What about you? Do you love the experience of being in a card shop? If yes, then try this out. Any day you are feeling low or down, just head for one such shop. Spend some time in looking for a card which you would love to get from somebody you love. Buy that and send it across to that somebody you love.

And experience the difference it brings to your mood!


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