Thoughts on World Interiors Day

On 24th May 2020, I received an article in my inbox about World Interiors Day. I was not aware of such a day prior to this. Searching more information, I found about the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers and their celebration of entire month of May and specific date 23 May as World Interiors Day. Since 2012, when I decided to understand and learn about Interiors more and joined a formal course in a college, my understanding on this subject has expanded from what it was earlier. But like any subject matter of human interest, the subject opens up ever new vistas for the traveler to explore and so learning never ends. In celebration of the day I decided to pen down some of my impressions on Interiors and its designing.

To me Interiors are not standalone entity. They always entice you when you decide to explore a structure and go beyond its façade. So when I speak about interiors I may view it from very solid, dense forms of brick, mortar, iron, wood etc. But I also have a choice to sense the subtle and ethereal footsteps of imagination, passion and creativity of human beings who have decided to call themselves as architects and interior designers. For me it is a perfect balance of expression of formless and form.

It may begin its formation from formless to tangible shape in one single human brain, but gradually it gains momentum. And as it moves from subtler to the denser form in its journey, it requires collaboration of several minds and hands thus compelling formation of a team. From imagination it goes to become lines on a drawing board, a collaboration of ideas of users and designers. And then during process of execution it becomes a choreographed dance of ideas & skills, space and forms, technology & materials, passion and logic, organization and management, dust and sweat, functionality & aesthetics. To me the process of interior design requires harmonious use of both right brain and left brain traits of human brain.  

Interiors are bound by six sides - four walls, ceiling and floor. But they open up to different expressions depending on the functions to be carried out in that space and personal choices of the users of that space. Many a time users desire interiors to evoke awe in those visiting that space where as other times they want the space to dance to their own rhythms – personal and intimate. I have observed that in whatever the choice, interiors are extensions of your personality. When you are in a complementary space, you flourish and if your space is extremely deviant from your personality it challenges you, transforms you and at times ejects you out. So interiors are much more than mere shelter, they have the potential to lift us emotionally and spiritually.

Interior expressions have evolved and been articulated as per the spatial and temporal transition of civilizations. The elements of nature play a lot of importance in these expressions. It follows fashion trend and yet aspirations for something more permanent and lasting beyond transient trends finds equal weight when interior architects and designers set out to create something new.

If you are reading this piece and come this far, then I am sure you have an interest and view on interiors. And the last several months have made almost everybody in the world to interact with their home interiors almost 24X7. But still you may not have looked at it with awareness. Go, have a look. Speak to the spirit of your home/ workspace Interiors. The awareness of your space also will make you aware of you; your own self. What do you like in your interior and why? And what is that one thing that challenges you in that space? What are the aspects which uplifts your spirit? What are things you would like to bring in within the current constraints; physical and financial both? What are the things you may change if no constraints were there and your resources were unlimited?

The 'lock down' due to Corona Pandemic has thrust on all of us a meditative space that forces each one to re look their perspective on life anew. So why not look at your shelter space from a new perspective?

Have a Good Time.


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