Celebrating Life

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate” – Oprah Winfrey

Hey Friends, Wishing you all a Year of Celebrating Life  in 2012! I know it is a little delayed the way rest of the world goes. So what? This is my first posting this year and why not start with wishing you all. By the way this 'Year of Celebrating Life' wish I received from my friend Saroj who is a fan of my approach to celebration. And I thought why not share with others. One of my New Year resolution was to reach out and communicate more often with my friends, clients and readers compared to the previous year. So not only I will make more postings in the blog but also start sharing through my mailing list.

I am keeping my New Year resolution and here I am with you with my thoughts on Celebrating Life.  And I completely agree with Oprah. I am a great fan of Oprah. Are you? The way she brings out seemingly hopeless situations in life and shows a perspective for celebration is simply Wow! Don’t you think so?

But here I am not letting my thoughts focus on Oprah. Though I am so thankful that I have access to her wonderful programmes which itself is a matter of celebration. But sincerely, how much time you give yourself to pause and praise your life. I hardly had seen life from this angle, yeah till I made a conscious decision to do so. 

See this image. Isn’t it beautiful? And the energy of the sun, it just fills me with a bright happy feeling. In fact this is one of my treasured mood lifter. Whenever I feel down and am in front of my laptop, I open this image and look at it. And it reminds me that each day the Sun rises and sets. Is there something to celebrate in that or is that monotonous? 

Thanks to the photographer who could capture this splendid visual for keep and repeat visit. Thanks to his intention of sharing, I had access to this and many others like me. And thanks to internet, my own laptop, my internet connection, my internet service provider, the electricity and the people who help in the supply of that for me to access.............:) the list will be very very long if you care. But we forget to care.

The other day during my morning walk at one point of the road the clear morning air I was inhaling got filled with some foul smell and I immediately took note of it. And felt irritated and started playing my blame game – "oh, the city air is not clean and fresh even in the morning! What can be the cause of this?... " and you know how moves the thought pattern.  Way later, on a reflective moment, I wondered how conditioned my mind is in its blame game. In a stretch of two and half kilometer of my morning walk I inhaled through countless breaths the fresh morning air but I discounted that and forgot to celebrate that. However I moaned those few breaths of encountering the foul smell!

We simply forget to count our innumerable blessings and prefer to get stuck with the few things which feels inconvenient.  What do you think? Would you like to praise life more than you have been till now?


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