Jump in the river...and live your life!

When Anja contacted me for coaching she only wanted to understand herself as to why she can not feel motivated to take steps for being healthy despite the conscious resolve. We embarked on the coaching journey from there. And before we realised we had delved into her deeper belief system and the blocks there. Wow, what tranformation!!! We both are witness to the transformation coaching can induce in a person. 
I am happy to present Anja's story in her own words. If you are trying hard to lose weight but somehow things are not working, then I highly recommend you try out her coaching programme which is completely based and designed on her own success formula

wish you happy reading  and getting inspired

Jump in the River... and Live Your Life!

I close my eyes and I am feeling the keyboard underneath my fingers. I am sitting on our balcony hearing birds and crickets chirping in the surrounding lush forest. I open my eyes again and the sky wears this wonderful blue dress today with a puffy white border in the distance...there where the horizon mixes with the National Park Yanmingshan.

I feel content and I feel harmony flowing through my body. All is good.
...I am tempted to say - all is in peace. But this moment isn't a reminder of death...quite the contrary!

A white, shiny plane passes by - way up high in the sky and I feel it is moving forward - having action in its doing. Yes, that's how I feel too. Filled with action. Positive action.

That was not always the case - before I embarked on the journey of coaching and before I met my first coach Vijaya, I had quite a few heavy stones that I carried around in my luggage. Stones that were added to my life, through the unexpected death of very close people in my life. Or through a family illness and a general dislike of my body... It is tough to move forward with these burden on your shoulders.

Vijaya helped me to dismantle those stones. If I would need to draw a visual I would say in our Coaching session she gave me a hammer and we destroyed theses stones and made them to very fine gravel. In principle they are still there - as they are experiences that have been carved into my life - but I feel not obliged to carry the entire stone with me. In fact I will only carry a little gravel stone with me on my way forward - a tiny stone that helps me to remember.

The other stones I have decided to throw into the river of life.

Let me quickly tell you a real story - so that you can understand what I mean with 'River of life'.

It was Summer 2008. The weather was hot and I was sitting in the English Garden in Munich, Germany - starring at the little river in front of me. All of sudden my eyes catches the attention of a group of friends who decided to float, swim and drift in the river. At certain parts of the river the flow was quite strong - so although they were in the same river, they had various speed of moving forward.
I love water and I would have loved to join in ...but I was like paralyzed. Less than 12 months ago our first daughter passed away and I was not ready to join back into life fully. At times I tried - for example I had to go back to work - but it felt more like I was putting my big toe into the water. I was not ready to join life yet. I was like a bystander - watching life go by.

If you sometimes feel the same - and I am assured: we ALL do at times! Try to get yourself out of this! Either jump by yourself into the river...or if you have second doubts - get the help of somebody else! A coach is a good start. I my case I am sincerely happy that I've met Vijaya.

The watching-life-go-by mode has changed into hands-on activities like:
- I will run my first 10k run in 3 months
- I will publish my first eBook on 'How to have a healthy life with Chocolate' before year-end.

- In the preparation of all this I am transforming myself and I feel soo good about it
- Have tons of ideas on my work-life-balance-career in the years to come....

So what are you waiting for? Jump in the river... live your life and let the Life Flow...

Anja Serfontein


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