Love Dividend

Hi Dear!
Have you followed the Love magic method? If you have then you must have known by now that Love is a feeling which fills up your mood with a happy feeling and the warmth of that happiness lingers long, wherever you go, whenever you go, who ever you meet or what ever you do. When somebody says 'I love You' to you, she or he is giving that happy feeling to you and if you are not ready to accept it, then the happy feeling will just rebound away from you. So when you love your self day in and day out, you actually are creating in you the space for accepting more and more love and the space is bound to be filled with Love only.
Now that you are filled up with this warm feeling of Love, be ready to get some more. Look at the first person you in the morning with a little more attention. Smile and wish her/him a happy day ahead. If that is not possible just wish for her/ his happiness to the Universe and thank it for the opportunity it has given you for that wish.
Do it for a month and see the result for your self. The magic of Love now will bring dividends for you.
Let the Love flow.. Let the Life flow


Saroj said…
Hi! I really liked the piece- keep it up!
Vijaya Mishra said…
Hi! Is this Saroj Dash? Thanks for encouraging.

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